fredag 9. desember 2011

Thea er borte.

Vår gode, gamle Thea døde stille og rolig forrige torsdag etter å ha vært syk bare i et par - tre dager.  Hun ble godt over 10 år gammel og vi savner henne veldig.  Størst er nok savnet hos fadern og Rolex som hadde Thea i hus.  Sov godt, gode gamle jenta vår.

From the silence of your pain I heard my name
and on the wings of light I have come
to see the sadness in your eyes
that cry without tears

Can you see me, I am here
I will always be near you
to calm your shattered heart
and to make you smile at the memories

Do you feel me, perhaps a soft brush of fur
You ache to believe it's real
but you are afraid to hope
You brush away a strand of hair
But it was I, whispering.....

I am only here for but a moment
The silver thread gently quivers
I will leave behind my love in a dream
When you awaken, and without really knowing why

Your heart will know at last
That it is all right, for now
to say good-bye
Copyright © Lisa Carmel Singer Printed with permission